The name of this study group shall be the Arizona Orthodontic Study Group, hereafter referred to as AOSG.


The objects of the study group shall be:

Section 1. To promote, maintain, and improve the quality of orthodontic treatment provided to the people of the State of Arizona.

Section 2. To broaden the intellectual scope of study club members through the use and presentation of the review of orthodontic meetings by attending study club members, through diagnostic round table exchanges, through the periodic presentation of finished case reports by each member, and through formulation and presentation of selected group study projects and lectures.

Section 3. To provide an organizational framework through which new orthodontists in the state of Arizona can be absorbed into orthodontic study club activities and provide continuing education.

Section 4. To promote and maintain professional liaison between members of the specialty of orthodontics, and with other related fields.


The study group is an independent, non-profit body with membership limited to dentists whose practice is limited to orthodontics in the State of Arizona.


In the event of the dissolution of the organization, all assets shall be distributed to the American Association of Orthodontists Foundation after all debts have been paid.


Section 1. The officers of the study group shall be a President, President-Elect, Secretary, and Treasurer, each of whom shall hold office for a term of two years or until their successors are elected.

Section 2. The Executive Board shall consist of the four Officers, the immediate Past President, and four Directors, hereinafter referred to as the “The Board”


Section 1. The study group shall hold general scientific and business sessions monthly or at a frequency determined by the Executive Board.

Section 2. The ANNUAL MEETING shall be the May meeting, with the election of the President, Treasurer, and Directors being held in the odd-numbered years, and the President-Elect and Secretary in the even-numbered years.

Section 3. A Quorum for general meetings shall be one quarter (1/4) of the Active membership.

Section 4. ELIGIBLE VOTERS shall be Life and Active members in Good Standing.

Section 5. The Board shall set THE DATE, TIME, and PLACE OF MEETINGS.

Section 6. Speakers must disclose any financial interest in the product or treatment that they are speaking about or if they receive payment from companies or organizations that have funded or sponsored their endeavors at speaking events.


Section 1. The Board, a Committee, or any Active member in Good Standing may propose Amendments to the Constitution. Such a proposal must be submitted in writing to the Board for review before being presented to the membership.

Section 2. Voting may be conducted at any regular or special meeting or by mail provided the voting members shall have received copies of the proposed amendment(s) thirty (30) days prior to the tabulation of votes. Ballots sent by mail shall carry a final date for being received or counted in absentia.

Section 3. A three-fourths (3/4) vote of the entire voting membership shall be required for adoption.



Section 1. EXCLUSIVE PRACTICE: Active and Provisional members shall remain in the exclusive practice of orthodontics or forfeit membership in the AOSG, except that an Active member retiring from practice may, if he desires retain this Active membership by paying full dues. Exclusive practice shall mean restricting professional practice traditionally associated with the practice of orthodontics.

Section 2. PRACTICE STANDARDS: Every Active and Provisional member shall practice the art and science of orthodontics in a manner equal to, or above, the standards of the orthodontic profession of the State of Arizona.

Section 3. IN GOOD STANDING: To be considered in Good Standing a member shall not be under a final sentence of suspension or expulsion. Current dues, fees, and assessments must be paid and the member must have complied with the minimum attendance requirement set by the Board.

Section 4. NONDISCRIMINATION: Nothing contained in the Constitution or the Bylaws of this study group shall operate against eligibility for membership on grounds of color, religion, race, national origin, sex, or political affiliations.

Section 5. SUSPENSION: No member who is under final sentence of suspension from the AOSG shall be entitled to any of the rights or benefits of the AOSG.

Section 6. DENIAL OF MEMBERSHIP: The Board may deny or revoke membership to any person included in, but not restricted to, the following categories:

  1. Persons who have been convicted of a felony, fraud, or a crime involving moral turpitude, whether or not the sentence has been completed.
  2. Persons who, either by conviction or admission, have been guilty of the sale or unlawful distribution of narcotics and addictive drugs.
  3. Persons whose personal, professional, or economic reputation would tend to bring discredit to the AOSG.
  4. Persons of such disposition or reputation as to be unable to participate in scientific discussion and debate or to cooperate with others for the betterment of the profession and the furtherance of the science of orthodontics.
  5. Persons lacking the necessary knowledge or skill, mechanical or biological, to render competent orthodontic service.
  6. Persons using the name of the study group for personal advertising.


Section 1. There shall be four classes of membership. Provisional, Active, Life, and Honorary. To join the Arizona Orthodontic Study Club, an applicant must first apply for Provisional membership.


Section 1. ELIGIBILITY: An applicant for Provisional membership must show successful completion of:

A program approved by the American Dental Association that allows the graduate to announce as a specialist in orthodontics, or 1970. Have successfully completed and been qualified under the Supervised Preceptorship Training Program of the American Association of Orthodontists, provided that such preceptorship program had been completed on or before March 15,


  1. An applicant may be considered for Provisional Membership upon the request of an active member made to the secretary in writing, and upon the completion of an application form.

The application must be sponsored by two Active members and will be forwarded by the Secretary to the Membership Committee.

  1. Upon three-fourths (3/4) approval of the Board, the candidate’s name shall be submitted by mail to the voting membership for a ballot vote indicating their approval or rejection.
  2. A three-fourths (3/4) vote of those members returning their ballot is necessary for election to membership, provided that a majority of eligible members vote within a sixty (60) day period.

Section 3. Requirements: Provisional Members

  1. The Provisional member shall visit the offices of four One Active member(s) of the AOSG during working days to observe procedures and techniques practiced in that office.
  2. This office will be of the Provisional member’s choice. These visitations are to be done during the term of Provisional membership.
  3. Maximum time as a Provisional member shall be five (5) years. The minimum time of a Provisional member shall be one (1) year.
  4. A minimum of two Active members shall be assigned to sponsor each Provisional member by the membership chairman and shall be his/her Mentors during the period of Provisional membership.
  5. The Provisional member shall attend a minimum of 4 meetings a year.

If the Provisional member has already achieved the status of Diplomate of the American Board of Orthodontics, and the individual has completed the required office visitations and the one-year Provisional membership attendance requirement, they are eligible to move to the status of Active membership.

  1. A three-fourth (3/4) vote of the Active members returning their ballots is necessary for election to Active membership, providing, that a majority of eligible members vote within a 60-day period.
  2. The Provisional member shall pay dues, assessments and meet minimum attendance requirements as set by the Board.
  3. The Provisional member shall not vote, hold office, propose or second motions, but may enter into discussions and serve on committees.


The Affiliate level of membership has been eliminated, so this article was deleted.


Section 1. ELIGIBILITY: An applicant for active membership must fulfill the following requirements:

  1. Three years of exclusive practice in orthodontics.
  2. Provisional membership for a period of at least one (1) year.
  3. To achieve active membership the provisional member shall have met the minimum attendance requirement as a provisional member for a 3-year period.

The following exception is noted: if the individual becomes a Diplomate of the American Board of Orthodontics during the period of provisional membership. They become eligible for active membership status after a minimum of 1 year of provisional membership.

  1. After reviewing the qualifications of the applicant, the membership committee shall present the applicant’s name to the Board for recommendation for acceptance.
  2. Following three-fourths (3/4) approval by the Board the applicant’s name shall be submitted by mail ballot to the voting membership.
  3. A three-fourths (3/4) approval of those active members returning their ballots is necessary for election to active membership providing that a majority of eligible members vote within a sixty- (60) day period.


Section 1. Active Life Membership

  1. To be eligible for Active Life Membership the recipient must be in the current active practice of orthodontics, must have been a member in good standing of the AOSG for twenty (20) years, must have reached the membership status of “active” and must have reached the age of sixty (60) years old.
  2. Active Life Membership will be conferred by the Board upon application of the recipient.
  3. Active Life Members may hold office, vote on all affairs of the group, will have the same attendance requirements as active members, will enjoy all active membership privileges, and dues will be 50% of that charged to active members.

Section 2. Retired Life Membership

  1. To be eligible for Retired Life Membership the recipient must have been a member in good standing of the AOSG for twenty-five (25) years, must have reached the membership status of “active” and must have reached the age of sixty-five (65) years old, but need not have retired from the practice of orthodontics.
  2. Retired Life Membership will be conferred by the Board upon application of the eligible recipient or at the discretion of the Board in the case of disability or full retirement from the practice of orthodontics.
  3. Retired Life Members shall not hold office, pay dues, or have any attendance requirements, but shall pay the cost of their participation.
  4. Retired Life Members shall have the privilege of voting, proposing, seconding motions, and participation in debate.
  5. Retired Life Members may, if desired, retain active membership privileges by paying full dues.


Section 1. Any person (non-member) who has made an outstanding contribution to the profession of orthodontics may be proposed for honorary membership if certified by the Board.

  1. Upon certification by the Board, the proposed name shall be submitted by mail to the voting membership for a ballot vote indicating their approval or rejection.
  2. A three-fourths (3/4) vote of those members returning their ballot is necessary for election to membership, providing that a majority of eligible members vote within a 60-day period.
  3. Honorary members shall not hold office, pay dues, propose or second motions, or have any attendance requirements.


Section 1. Any Active or Life member may invite a guest to attend a regular meeting.

A guest who is not sponsored as a prospective member may attend only two meetings in any study group year unless the Board for special reasons waives the limitation.


Section 1. TERMINATION OF MEMBERSHIP: Membership in the study group may be terminated by:

  1. Failure to pay dues, fees, or assessments.
  2. Failure to meet minimum attendance requirements.
  3. For any other cause after review by the Board such as professional negligence or willful misconduct.
  4. A written request from the member to the Secretary of the Study Group. Termination by resignation shall be accepted only from members in good standing. The Board may accept such resignation by a majority vote at any scheduled meeting.


  1. Reinstatement for members who resigned in good standing may be by written request made directly to the Board. The Board may approve such application by a three-fourths (3/4) vote.
  2. Making an application to the Board and paying all money due shall make all other reinstatements. (Dues and assessments as determined by the Board)
  3. At the discretion of the Board, the issue of reinstatement may be referred to the membership for a ballot vote.
  4. A three-fourths (3/4) vote of those members returning their ballot is necessary for reinstatement, provided that a majority of eligible members vote within a 60-day period.


Section 1. Transfers will not be accepted from other orthodontic organizations.


Section 1. This study group reserves the right to discipline any of its members who may be guilty of malpractice, unprofessional conduct, or violations of its Principles of Ethics, constitution, or Bylaws, or for any act or omission which would constitute grounds denial of membership Discipline shall consist of reprimand, censure, suspension or expulsion.

Section 2. CHARGES: Proceedings shall be initiated by the filing of written charges by a member or members in the form of an accusation presented to the Board specifying the particular act, omission, or violation.

If the charges involve the conviction of a criminal offense or loss of the right to practice dentistry, a certified copy of the record of conviction the official action of the licensing board is conclusive evidence of the right to exercise disciplinary action. On receipt hereof the Board shall impose such penalty as it deems just.

Section 3. HEARING: The accused member shall be entitled to a hearing under the auspices of or before the Board, at which time he shall be given the opportunity to present his defense to all charges brought against him.

Section 4. NOTICE: The accused member shall be notified in writing of charges brought against him and of the time and place of the hearing. Such notice shall be sent by registered mail, return receipt requested, not less than thirty days prior to the date for the hearing.

Section 5. DECISION: Upon conclusion of the hearing, the Board shall make its decision by a vote of a majority of the elected members of the Board.

If the decision is that the charge(s) are proven, the penalty shall be imposed in writing for reprimand, censure suspension, or expulsion.

The actions of the Board shall constitute the final action of this study group and within ten days of the date of action a copy of the decision shall be sent to the accused by registered mail (return receipt requested) and to the officers of the Arizona Orthodontic Study Group.


Section 1. The officers shall be a President, President-Elect, Secretary, and Treasurer.


  1. The president shall be the chief executive officer and official representative of the study group.
  2. He or his appropriate representative shall preside at all meetings of the study group.
  3. He shall appoint the following Standing committees-Membership, Program, and Nominations. Social, Long-Range Planning, Bylaws, and any other committees as deemed necessary by the Board will be established as needed.
  4. He shall be an ex-officio member of all committees except the Nominating Committee.


He shall succeed the president at the end of his term, whether the term is fully served or the president should leave office for any other reason.

Section 4. DUTIES OF THE SECRETARY. The secretary shall:

  1. Send out ballots for membership and tally results.
  2. Take attendance.
  3. Assign continuing education credit.
  4. Record discussions at the noon meeting of the general membership.
  5. Send out the monthly newsletter, recording the following:
  6. Transactions and discussions at Board and Noon Business Meetings.
  7. Update future meeting schedules
  8. Continuing education requirements:
  9. Provide the name and credentials of the presenter.
  10. Date, location, and address of meeting
  11. Number and type of continuing education credits
  12. Brief description of the program
  13. A reminder that AOSG members are responsible for keeping account of their continuing education credits.
  14. The above assignment may be modified at the discretion of the Board.

Section 5. DUTIES OF THE TREASURER. The treasurer shall:

  1. Collect dues and assessments from AOSG membership.
  2. Provide a balance sheet with profit and loss statistics.
  3. Pay outstanding accounts.
  4. Take executive board minutes and present them at the next meeting
  5. Send out mailing notice for the May AOSG Social event and Collect assigned fees for the event.
  6. Prepare AOSG financial accounts for annual review by an accountant
  7. Make luncheon charges for AOSG Life members and non-AOSG members, (Guests)
  8. Mail invitations and collect meeting fees for those events to which non-AOSG members are invited.
  9. The above assignment of duties between the Secretary and the Treasurer may be modified at the discretion of the Board.


Section 1. The Executive Board shall consist of the President, Immediate Past President, President-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, and four (4) Directors.

Section 2. ELECTION:

  1. The Secretary and Treasurer shall be elected from the active membership to serve for two years or until their successors are elected. The President-Elect shall be elected from the Active membership to serve for one year at which time he becomes President. The President shall serve for two years or until his successor is elected.
  2. A rotating Board of Directors shall be elected consisting of four (4) active members who shall serve staggered terms of four years or until their successor(s) are elected. Elections for Treasurer and the Directors shall be conducted in the odd-numbered years during the May meeting. Should a presidential election be required it shall be held in an odd-numbered year.
  3. Elections for President-Elect and Secretary shall be conducted in the even-numbered years during the May meeting.
  4. Election shall be by a ballot vote unless there is only one nominee for each office, when the vote may be voiced.
  5. The term of office shall begin at the close of the meeting at which the officers were elected.

Section 3. VACANCY:

  1. In the event of a vacancy in the office of Secretary or Treasurer, the Board shall appoint an active member to serve until the next regular election.
  2. In the event of a vacancy in the office of President-Elect, a new President shall be elected at the next regular election.
  3. In the event of a vacancy in the office of President in the first year of his term, the immediate Past President shall assume the office until the next regular election at which time a new president will be elected for a three-year term. In the event of a vacancy in the office of President in the second year of his term the President-Elect will assume the office and serve the remainder of the term plus his two-year term. Should neither of the above be available to serve the Board shall choose one of its members to serve until the next regular election.
  4. The President shall fill a vacancy among the Directors.
  5. In the event the President is temporarily absent from a meeting his term, the Immediate Past President shall preside.


  1. The Board shall meet immediately preceding the monthly sessions of the Study Group or at the call of the President.
  2. A majority of the members of the Board shall constitute a quorum.


The chairman of the Membership and Program Committees shall serve as an ex-officio member of the Board without a vote.


  1. Set the amount of dues and any assessments as deemed necessary.
  2. Designate the number, place, and hour of meetings of the Study Group.
  3. Evaluate the application of any candidate failing to receive the necessary vote to election to membership and validate the secretarial report.
  4. Act as an Ethics Committee and make recommendations to a member or the membership.
  5. Set the requirements for the examination to be taken by applicants for membership.
  6. Determine the format to be used by the Membership Committee for evaluation of provisional, affiliate, and active membership.
  7. Set minimum attendance requirements.
  8. Confer life membership(s) when deemed advisable.
  9. Recommend to the voting membership the names of person(s) deemed worthy of honorary membership. Act in any other advisory regulatory capacity not previously specified.
  10. Act in any other advisory regulatory capacity not previously specified.


Section 1. The standing committees shall be Membership, Program, and Nominating A Social, Long Range Planning, Bylaws, or Arrangements Committee, along with any other committee that may be established at the discretion of the Board.

The Membership and Program Chairman shall serve as ex-officio members of the Board without vote.

Section 2. SUPERVISION: All committees shall work under the direct supervision of the President and the Board


  1. The President shall appoint members of all committees.
  2. The chairman of the Nominating Committee shall be selected from the Board and two members shall be selected from the active membership.
  3. Special committees may be created by the Board or by vote of the assembly when deemed advisable.
  4. The term of service for Standing Committees shall be the same as that of the officers(s) who made the appointment.
  5. Special committees shall serve until the task for which they were appointed is completed.

Section 4. THE NOMINATING COMMITTEE: The Nominating Committee shall consist of three members to be nominated by the President and approved by the Board.

  1. In odd years the Nominating Committee shall select a slate of candidates for office from the active membership. The slate shall consist of a President, Secretary-Treasurer, and two Directors.
  2. The Committee shall submit its report at the April meeting and again at the May meeting.
  3. The nominees’ consent to serve must be obtained in advance whether nominated by the committee or from the floor.

Section 5. THE MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE: The President shall appoint a Chairman of the Membership Committee. This chairman shall appoint from the active membership the persons necessary to complete the duties of the committee. There shall be no less than three total members who shall be subject to approval by the President.

  1. The Committee shall evaluate applicants for all classes of membership and present their recommendation for acceptance or rejection to the Board.
  2. They shall provide application forms for prospective members.
  3. They shall perform other duties assigned by the President or board in connection with membership.

Section 6. THE PROGRAM COMMITTEE: The Program Committee, whose duties shall be outlined by the Board, shall be appointed by the President


The Secretary-Treasurer shall serve as the Arrangements Chairman and shall have the authority to appoint assistants when needed.


  1. This committee will supervise all social occasions subject to the approval of the President.
  2. The chairman shall have the authority to appoint assistants when needed.
  3. The Secretary-Treasurer will be an ex-officio member of this committee.


  1. This committee shall be responsible for recommendations concerning the course of action or events that may alter or augment the orderly operations of the study club.
  2. The Chairman shall report his recommendations to the Board, which will then have the authority to adopt or disapprove such recommendations.


  1. A Bylaws committee shall be appointed by the President to alter, review, or update the Bylaws.
  2. Any changes made in the. Bylaws must be first approved by the Board and then voted on by the membership.
  3. A three-fourths (3/4)-vote majority of Bylaw changes will be necessary for adoption.


Section 1. OFFICERS-DIRECTORS: The Study Group shall indemnify and hold non-responsible each director, officer, and member of each committee presently or later serving the Society against any and all claims and liabilities to which he may be or become subject by reason of his now or later being or having been in one or more of above capacity(s) of the study group or by reasons of his alleged acts or omissions, and shall reimburse each for all legal and other expenses reasonably incurred by him in connection whit defense against any such claims or liabilities. However, each member serving the abovementioned duties shall not be indemnified against or be reimbursed for any expenses defending against any claim or liability arising out of his own negligence or willful misconduct.

Section 2. WAIVER BY APPLICANT: Every applicant for membership by virtue of submitting an application agrees and does waive the right to hold this study group or any member thereof responsible for any change, pecuniary or otherwise, in case of refusal of this study group to accept him for membership.

Section 3. WAIVER BY MEMBER. Every member agrees to and does waive the right to hold this study group or member of this study group responsible for any damage, pecuniary or otherwise, in case of his censure, suspension, or expulsion; and every member does waive, release, and relinquish any right he may have now or in the future, to sue the study group in law or in equity, for any damages, pecuniary or otherwise, resulting from reprimand, censure, suspension or expulsion from and of the study group.


In all cases not specifically provided for in these Bylaws, Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern.


Section 1. AMENDMENT:

  1. Amendment(s) to these bylaws may be proposed by the Board, a Committee, or by any Active member in Good Standing.
  2. All proposals for amendment must be submitted to the Board for approval before being presented to the membership.
  3. Voting may be by ballot at any regular or specially called meeting or by mail provided the voting members shall have received copies of the proposed amendment(s) thirty (30) days prior to the tabulation of votes.
  4. Ballots issued by mail shall specify the final day for being received.

Approval by three-fourths (3/4) of those members voting is required for adoption.